
What is Orthodontic Treatment? Orthodontic treatment is to improve or improve the appearance of teeth and to correct or move the teeth and jaws to improve the quality of life of the individual by bringing the aesthetics and function of the teeth to the ideal. It provides the long-term health of the jaws and gums by spreading the closing pressure on the entire mouth.

What is Orthodontic Treatment? Orthodontic treatment is to improve or improve the appearance of teeth and to correct or move the teeth and jaws to improve the quality of life of the individual by bringing the aesthetics and function of the teeth to the ideal. It provides the long-term health of the jaws and gums by spreading the closing pressure on the entire mouth.

How old should I have orthodontic treatment?

Although orthodontic treatment is the best in children, adults also benefit from orthodontic treatment. The first orthodontic control in children should not be more than seven years old. At this age the teeth appear to be properly sorted, but there may be a hidden closing problem. There are some clues that point to these problems.

  • Unbalanced face and jaw structure
  • Oral breathing
  • Difficulty in function (chewing, speaking etc.) and closure
  • Finding bad habits such as finger sucking, nail eating, biting cheek and lip
  • Jaw structures located in excess or behind
  • Front teeth
  • No contact of the teeth in the upper and lower jaws or abnormal closure of the teeth
  • Early or late losses of milk teeth
  • The presence of teeth that are located in the wrong place or not in the wrong place

If a problem is detected at this age, your orthodontist will guide you to the best time to start treatment. As a result of the early treatment of the problems identified in this period, the current anomaly can be eliminated completely or the second phase to be performed in the elderly helps to complete the orthodontic treatment more easily and in a short time.

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